Neutral Eyes Clinical Study

Dr Speron's Neutral Eyes is a revolutionary eye complex that combine novel ingredients that fight the sign of aging. It enhance the skin natural ability to eliminate bilirubin and iron which are the causes of dark circles and at the same time also improved microcirculation of the blood vessels to counteract the unsightly blackish-brown ring under the eye. Neutral Eyes combines the best of both world, the natural active of sweet almond and powerful peptides to reduces wrinkles and puffy eyes. It also provides an immediate anti-wrinkle effect due to formation of continuous and elastic film on the skin surface upon application, thus it is proven to improve the smoothing of microrelief.
Dr Speron's Neutral Eyes provides the following:
- Increase collagen synthesis that can reconstruct healthy skin.
- Strengthening skin density and enhance the natural elimination of biliverdin/bilirubin and iron to reduces the dark circles.
- Reduces puffy eyebags with an anti-oedema property.
- Reduce skin redness.
- Improves skin radiance, smoothness, and firmness.
- Improves skin elasticity and moisturization.
Dr Speron's Neutral Eyes (anti dark circle)
Fragile and sensitive, the zone around the eyes is a visible reflection of our tiredness, worries, stress, and sleepless nights. This formation of rings under the eyes is considered the consequences of accumulation of the pigment degradation products of heme in the richly vascularized zones around the eyes. This accumulation of pigments is due to cutaneous deposit of the bilirubin/biliverdin and iron which are the result of degradation of heme. In order to improve the unsightly blackish-brown ring under the eye, it is essential to enhance the natural skin ability to eliminate bilirubin/biliverdin and iron.
Neutral Eyes is a complex eye cream that is proven to reduce dark circles in just 2 months which also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Reduction of red and blue component

22 volunteers with dark circles (average age 32) applied Neutral Eyes twice a day for 56 days to the contour of one eye and placebo on the other side. After 56 days, 72% of the volunteers had a reduction of red component by 19% and 63% of the volunteers has a reduction of blue component by 19% . Overall, the violet (red + blue) appearance was significantly alleviated.

Dr Speron's Neutral Eyes (anti wrinkle)
A wrinkle is a fold in the skin caused by age, weight loss, lifestyle, and harmful environmental exposure. Wrinkles is also a fact that the skin is in depletion of collagen. As we age, the skin gets thinner thus reduces the area of exchange between the dermis and epidermis. The loss of adhesion between these two structure is normally provided by collagen. Therefore, in order to reconstruct a healthy skin, we need to improve the collagen synthesis in the skin. Neutral Eyes produces a highly significant of collagen in the skin thus reduces the appearances of wrinkles.

Surface area of wrinkles was measured on the skin treated with placebo compared to Neutral Eyes. A highly significant reduction in surface area of wrinkles was obtained by Neutral Eyes. The surface area of wrinkle, treated with Neutral Eyes, decreased by 42% in 2 months and after 6 months, it decreased by 67%. No significant effect from the skin treated with placebo.

Dr Speron's Neutral Eyes (Immediate anti wrinkle effect)
Neutral Eyes contains cross-linking technology of biopolymerization of sweet almond protein that forms a cutaneous, elastic film that smooth the microrelief thereby providing an immediate anti-wrinkle effect. Neutral Eyes also tones the skin, renders it firmer and more radiant.
Replicas photographs of micro-relief of the forearms

Replicas photographs of the crow’s feet

Dr Speron's Neutral Eyes (Anti eye bags)
With age, skin loses its elasticity and muscles weaken through age. Loose skin can accumulate around the eyes and forming fold in the eyelids. Fat, which cushions the eyes in their sockets moved forward out of the ocular cavities and accumulated in bulging bags around the eyelids. The other cause for puffy eyes is water accumulation or known as eyelid oedema. Neutral Eyes is a proven eye cream that reduces the puffy eyes with proven anti-oedema properties. 20 female volunteers aged 18 to 65 applied Neutral Eyes twice a day for 60 days and puffiness under the eyes is greatly reduced, even after only 15 days. 70% of the volunteers had improved at Day 15. At the end, 95% of the volunteers had improvements.